The Ural State Academy of Architecture and Arts (USAAA) was founded as an independent higher education institution under the name of Sverdlovsk Architectural Institute in May 1972 on the basis of the Ural Branch of Moscow Architectural Institute, and was re-named the Ural Institute of Architecture and Art in 1992. In 1995 the State Committee on Higher Education of the Russian Federation granted the institute the status of Academy. This status, standing next to the status of university, is granted to educational institutions providing higher education in one or several related specialised areas of knowledge. Degrees awarded by USAAA are fully equivalent to university degrees.
USAAA is a federally funded public institution providing higher education in the fields of architecture, planning, design, arts and related IT applications.
The Academy is situated in Ekaterinburg (Yekaterinburg), the capital of the region of Sverdlovsk Oblast and of the Ural Federal District (UFD), one of the seven major administrative divisions of Russia along the Ural Mountains, which form a natural border between Europe and Asia (see the map).
The current standing of the Academy is reflected in the following key facts:
- USAAA is Russia's largest and UFD's only school of architecture, design and art
- USAAA is in the top 20 most prestigious higher education institutions of Russia
- More than 3000 students
- Over 300 top-quality teaching staff, including 47 professors, over 100 associate professors, more than 100 members of unions of architects, designers and artists, and 15 members of staff awarded national honorary titles
- Five departments: Architecture, Design, Institute of Fine Arts, Institute of Urban Studies, and Pre-Admission Training
- USAAA offers a full range of academic programmes - from Bachelor and Master degree courses to doctoral studies
- USAAA publishes a quarterly e-journal through its «Architecton» Publishing Unit
- USAAA is a member of CUMULUS, the International Association of Universities and Colleges of Art, Design and Media
- USAAA is recognized for graduate employability; our graduates work domestically and internationally for major companies, such as Volkswagen AG, Siemens, etc.
- USAAA's popularity with potential students is confirmed by high competition for admission annually.
Address: 23, K.Liebknecht str., Ekaterinburg, 620075, Russia
Phone: +7 (343) 371 33 69
Fax: +7 (343) 371 57 32
E-mail: rector@usaaa.ru
Head of International Office
Mr. Valery Gafurov
Phone: +7 (343) 371 23 47
Email: vgafurov@usaaa.ru